A Road Through History - Part 1

A Road Through History

The new Museum comes to life with three different interactive exhibitions one after another,  enabling you to undertake a 'journey through time' spanning 5,000 years of Towcester's history.  

If you register here we will let you know when the exhibitions changes.

A Road Through History - Part 1
The Stone Age to The Fall of The Roman Empire (3500BC-420AD)


The first exhibition of our triology, starts you off on a timeline through history where you will be able to witness significant events as they took place in Towcester's history. This exhibition traces the origins of Towcester from the Stone Age through the Bronze Age and Iron Ages right to the end of the Roman occupation!

The road - 'Watling Street' - has played a major role in the development of Towcester and has fulfilled many functions over the centuries, serving as a highway for military settlements, an 'international border' and a major coaching route.

By attending these exhibitions you will gain a deeper appreciation of the everyday experiences of people who lived in Towcester and understand how the town developed and evolved over the centuries.

The exhibition will be enlived by demonstrations of local 'living history', 're-enactment groups' and our own tour guides.

Click here to contact us and for opening times.

To learn what happens next, visit our 'coming soon' exhibitions page.